Meet Your Host...

Heather Levin

Chicken Health Academy

Herbs for Your Chicken First Aid Kit


Preparing for Summer Chicken Emergencies

Heather Levin is a homesteader, herbalist, and a Chicken Mama to 30+ chickens.

In addition to founding the Backyard Chicken Summit, she's also the founder of Chicken Health Academy, a pioneering online membership that teaches herbalism and emergency care techniques for backyard chickens.


Meet Our Summit Keynote Speaker...

Sean Warner

Co-Founder and CEO of Grubbly Farms

How to Read Chicken Feed Labels

Sean Warner was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. While attending Georgia Tech,  he learned about the emerging insect industry and fell in love with the concept of producing sustainable protein to build a greener future. Grubbly Farms was founded after Sean and his cousin started breeding flies in their college laundry room in early 2015 and decided to pursue Grubbly Farms full time upon graduating college. Grubbly Farms develops sustainable, insect-based, pet food catering toward the pet chicken market - the fastest growing pet segment in the US.

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Meet Our Lineup of AMAZING Chicken Experts!

Lisa Steele

Interview: Egg Recipes and Development

From her beautiful farm in Maine, Lisa has contributed her sage advice to the backyard chicken keeping community for more than a decade and has recently entered the culinary arena with the release of her first cookbook, The Fresh Eggs Daily Cookbook.

Dubbed "Queen of the Coop" by the media, she's an author, 5th generation chicken keeper, Maine master gardener and "coop to kitchen" cook and has been featured on The View, Martha Knows Best on HGTV, NPR's Here & Now, Dr. Oz, P. Allen Smith's Garden Home on PBS and the Hallmark Home & Family Show.

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Carolyn Thomas

What to Do With All Those Eggs?

Hi there, I'm Carolyn! I, along with my husband Josh, live on 40 acres in Idaho with our 11 children where we grow, preserve, and prepare most of our own food right in our own backyard.

As young parents with a quickly growing family and a desire to feed them healthy, whole foods (even on a tight budget) we knew very quickly that we were going to have to figure out how to grow and prepare it ourselves… good food was just too expensive!

But we didn’t have anyone around us that we could ask about how to make this homesteading thing work. We felt completely alone and scrambling for answers while dealing with the demands of life.

After years of studying, trial and error and learning from anyone who knew more than us, we started figuring out how to make a productive, old fashioned life in the midst of a modern world. We were raising and growing most of our family’s food and medicine, and enjoying the results of eating healthy food, working together as a family, and being more connected to our land.

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Carly MacQuarrie

Growing a Medicinal Chicken Garden

Carly MacQuarrie, founder of The Little Green Shoot, and creator of Homestead in the City, helps new gardeners find their way to grow, harvest, and preserve their own healthy, delicious, foods to enjoy all year round—even in the city.

Carly started The Little Green Shoot to show that food can be grown anywhere by anyone. She is here to teach you that this is all possible, and to work towards her dream of more people growing their own vibrant fruits, vegetables, and medicinal herbs in any old place that can be found.

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Shelby DeVore

Getting Started with Chickens in an Urban Environment

Shelby DeVore is a multigenerational homesteader with 20+ years of experience raising chickens and homesteading.  Not only does she have a ton of personal experience raising chickens for meat, eggs and show, but she also has a strong educational background that gives her a unique perspective when it comes to raising chickens. 

Shelby has a B.S. in Animal and Dairy Science and a M.S. in Agriculture.  Before she started teaching homesteading online, she worked as a high school and college agriculture teacher where she taught hundreds of students and community members how to easily and successfully garden and raise chickens and other livestock.

She currently teaches others how to homestead (without the crazy) and is working to help as many people embrace a simpler, more traditional lifestyle as possible.  

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Holly Callahan-Kasmala and Chrisie DiCarlo

Your Chicks Are Here! Now What?

Holly Callahan-Kasmala grew up as a 4-H kid on a small horse farm. She has been keeping chickens for more than 20 years, and is passionate about Heritage chickens and helping people find the right breed for their needs. Holly has an MA in History, and is a long-time fiber artist/teacher. In addition to keeping Heritage breed chickens and rare breed sheep, she also grows heirloom cotton, dye plants, and all kinds of heirloom vegetables, fruit, and flowers on her small Maryland farm. She is the creator and co-host of Coffee with the Chicken Ladies Podcast.

Chrisie DiCarlo is a retired veterinary technician with a passion for helping people care for their poultry. During her 15 years in the field, she managed a technical trauma nursing care team in a busy urban veterinary hospital ER. She gave up her career to be a stay-at-home mom to her two amazing daughters. Chrisie has been keeping chickens for more than 8 years. She also loves growing herbs, fruit, and flowers on her small Maryland farm. She is the creator and co-host of Coffee with the Chicken Ladies Podcast.

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Dalia Monterroso

Natural Parasite Control

Dalia Monterroso, also known as The President of Chickenlandia, is a backyard chicken educator, entertainer, and author. When she’s not teaching in-person classes or doing seminars, you can find her on the popular YouTube Channel "Welcome to Chickenlandia," her top-rated podcast "Bawk Tawk," or in her online course "Backyard Chickens 101: A Chicken Course for Everyone."

In 2023, Dalia published her first book "Let’s All Keep Chickens! A Down-to-Earth Guide to Natural Practices for Healthier Birds and a Happier World" (Storey Publishing). In this beginner and intermediate guide, Dalia aims to not only share the ins and outs of chicken keeping but also to bring people together through an age-old practice common to almost all of our ancestry.

To learn more about Dalia’s philosophy and vision, you can watch her 2017 TEDx Talk "I Dream of Chickens," which she delivered at Western Washington University. Dalia is a dynamic and engaging speaker who believes that being among her flock has brought peace and joy into her life. She wishes to share that peace and joy with everyone she meets. 

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Sara and Jacob Franklin

Speaking Rooster: Finding Peace Through Better Communication

Sara and Jacob Franklin, founders of Roovolution, are on a mission to revolutionize rooster care and behavioral management worldwide. With thousands of hours invested closely observing and analyzing social interaction and communication within their own flock, they have gained a deep understanding and valuable insight which informs their guidance. Through their YouTube channel and podcast, they combine their first-hand experience with in-depth research in order to reshape perception and provide keepers with lasting solutions to behavioral issues.

In addition to content-creation, they offer tailored advice through no-cost private consultation and ongoing support to ensure the success of those seeking help. Alongside a dedicated team of kindred spirits, they also volunteer their time helping operate Rooster Allies, a flourishing online community with a commitment to compassionate care. Through these efforts, they routinely empower keepers to cultivate harmonious and rewarding relationships with even their most difficult roosters.

Website | YouTube

Alexa Lehr

Fermented Chicken Feed 101

Hello! I'm Alexa from The Pioneer Chicks! I am a small-scale homesteader with a focus on poultry, gardening, food prep, and sustainable living.

I love hunting, camping, traveling, homesteading, and being outdoors. Currently I work as a freelance photographer and run a small farm business called The Black Feather Farm.

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Rachel Teller

Poultry Nutrition Basics

Rachel Teller is an Animal Nutrition Consultant for the Fertrell Company.  She graduated from Penn State with a BS in Animal Bioscience and minor in Wildlife and Fisheries Science and did graduate work in Ruminant Nutrition and Microbiology at the University of Delaware. 

Rachel spent many years as a livestock manager, where she was involved in all aspects of animal husbandry, showing, and educating people about beef cattle, sheep, dairy goats, and other classes of livestock.  At Fertrell, she enjoys working with producers, farmers, homesteaders, and enthusiasts to create the best feeding options for their animals and operation.

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Brittni Poisson

DIY "Chicknic" Table

Hi! I’m Brittni, and I live in NH with my husband and four year old daughter. I am an interior designer and own a design company. In 2022, I decided to use my DIY and design skills to build a coop and run for my flock, and it gained some popularity on social media for being both functional and pretty. I have since built a garden, two more coops, a larger run, and will surely build more in the future. I put the plans for all of my projects on my website for anyone who loves them and wants to build their own!

I am passionate about homesteading and have big plans for expanding our garden, our flock, and adding more animals soon. I love that as I learn and grow our homestead, I’m able to provide knowledge and resources for others to do the same, and turn it into another offering for my business. In addition to DIY build plans, my shop also offers homemade soaps, a fun line of chicken and homestead apparel, and will more products soon

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Fiona Osborne

From egg to hatch with a broody hen: Tips to help you maximize the clutch and support your hen's health

Fiona is based in England, UK and she breeds Buff Orpington chickens using the natural broody tendencies of the breed to incubate, hatch and raise the chicks.  Her chickens free-range in the orchard of her smallholding that she runs with her husband Hugh and all of the broody hens and chicks have full access to the area to graze as they choose.

Fiona and Hugh run a YouTube channel English Country Life featuring tutorials on a self-sufficient lifestyle including many videos on caring for chickens and breeding chickens. They are also regular columnists with the UK magazines The Country Smallholder and Practical Poultry.

You may know Fiona as @theflooflady on Instagram where she features daily videos of her beloved Orpingtons.

Website | YouTube | Instagram

Janet Garman

5 Common Health Issues Chicken Keepers Need to Know

Janet Garman is a farmer, author and freelance writer in Maryland. A career in writing began after the nest emptied. All the years of studying farm management and raising many species of livestock along with a full house of children led her to begin sharing her experience in a farm theme blog and website.

Janet's background includes a degree in large animal farm management and animal science from University of Maryland and decades of farm and homesteading experience. Her books include 50 Do It Yourself Projects for Keeping Chickens, Skyhorse Publishing 2017, Keeping Sheep and Other Fiber Animals, Skyhorse Publishing 2018, 50 Do It Yourself Projects for Keeping Goats, Skyhorse Publishing, 2020, Chickens from Scratch, Raising Your Own Chickens from Hatch to Egg Laying and Beyond, 2016, Habitat Housing for Rabbits, and Margarita and the Beautiful Gifts, 2016.

This past year, Janet increased her farm’s impact on the local community by hosting farm craft gatherings on the farm. Additional gardens spaces were planted and an informal CSA was started. 2024 plans include further outreach to groups meeting on the farm, learning wool crafts, natural dyeing, and improving the CSA offering.

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Casse Weaver

Sour Crop Secrets

Humboldt Hen Helper is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit created to provide help and support to backyard poultry keepers in Humboldt County, California.

Beyond just education, Casse does one-on-on consults, home visits, and even “well coop” checks for people wanting advice and suggestions. The ultimate goal of this nonprofit is to help people be more prepared for the most common issues and ailments that arise in a backyard flock and become better caregivers to their feathered friends.

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Audrey Crawford

Chicken Keeping Made Simple

I live in Exeter which is a wonderful small town near the foothills of Central California. For my fellow gardeners, it’s gardening zone 9b.

I am blessed to say that because of both of my parents, I have had a lifelong passion for the little things in life that make me the happiest; ranching, riding, gardening, and raising chickens!

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Dr. Janet Roark

Essential Oils for Chickens

With over 19 years experience in veterinary medicine, Dr. Janet Roark has dedicated her
life to helping people and their animals.

She first became interested in essential oils for her personal health and soon recognized the revolutionary benefits of using oils with animals. Her first case was nothing short of miraculous, inspiring her to take this incredible resource beyond her local veterinary practice.

From consultations and education to social media and speaking events, Dr. Roark has helped tens of thousands of people care for the animals they love.

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Angie McEwen

Biosecurity Tips for Backyard Chicken Keepers

We're Larry and Angie McEwen and we live in Southern Illinois on a small farm that we purchased back in 1996.

In 2006 - 2007 Larry purchased our first Marans, Welsummer and Ameraucana and that's where the love of Heritage poultry began. We still have those very same blood lines of poultry on the farm today.

We keep a closed flock, which means we no longer bring in poultry.  If we want a new breed, we purchase the eggs and hatch them ourselves.  This past year we have gone a step further in the NPIP program.  Our farm is now tested for MG, MS and AI.  Our farm is free of these terrible diseases, and we run a strict biosecurity program.

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Ashlee Petrelli

Creating a Sign for Your Coop

Hi! I'm Ashlee. It's so nice to meet you! I'm a wife and homeschool mom of two who finds joy in my faith, family, a warm cup of tea, a good book and many forms of art.

Creating Chicks & Chalkboards has allowed me to embrace my passions, and my precious family, by blending lettering, chalkboards and even our love for chickens into my everyday life. This exciting venture allows me to continue to stay home with our kids, while connecting with wonderful people like you. Our family adores animals, and through my work, I hope to bring a little blessing into your life and coop!
I pray the Lord gives you peace in your day. God bless!


Bryce and Amy VanLeuven

The Science Behind Egg Washing

Howdy everyone! 👋 We’re Amy & Bryce, the creators of GoodEgg™

We started GoodEgg because we have a passion for backyard animals and sustainable, local food. We love our little flock and the eggs they provide our family. We also LOVE that we can keep our eggs fresh for many weeks on the counter, but when it comes time to eat them, cleaning and sanitizing a delicate egg with its unique surface and shape is honestly not a fun chore.

We brainstormed, we sketched, we worked with industrial designers and probably made 50 different prototypes. Then…finally! We had it! A perfect little flexible silicone brush that cleans eggs QUICK and EASY!

We hope to help tens of thousands of “yolk folk” realize just how easy cleaning eggs should be. We hope you’ll subscribe to our email and texting list to stay in touch. Help us share the coolest new thing to hit the coop…your family & friends will thank you!
